About Us

We are a friendly group of aspiring writers who meet regularly to give and receive encouragement as well as tips on the craft of writing.
We share information about forthcoming events, competitions and conferences.
Our meetings usually begin with a flash fiction writing exercise to warm up. You'd be amazed at what people can come up with in five minutes. (There's no obligation to read out what you've written.) Next, we might focus on a different element of writing for discussion, such as:

  • Show not Tell
  • Dialogue
  • Pace
  • Plotting
  • Characterisation
Discussion is followed by a tea break and then a fun writing exercise or two. If there's time, anyone who wants to can read out their work for useful feedback.
Roughly every third meeting is a manuscript session devoted to giving and/or receiving constructive criticism.
If you're interested in joining us, please drop us an email at tringwriters@hotmail.co.uk.